Baseball Glove Warehouse
There are tons of stores that sell baseball gloves but most do not have a good selection. This is why you need to find a baseball glove warehouse. Search for the biggest store you can find like Dick’s Sporting Goods and make a trip. Not only does a bigger selection give you a better opportunity to find the perfect glove but it is a lot of fun. I love hanging out in a baseball warehouse trying on new gloves. I need at least 20-30 gloves to try on. This is because your glove must become a part of you. It isn’t like buying cloths. The glove, shoe and bat must transform into an extension of your anatomy. When buying cloths you might pick out two or three different pants or shirts but with a glove you are buying one glove and you plan for that glove to last a good amount of time. This is why you must take this event in your life very seriously. Not only is a glove a part of you but it is a reflection of who you are in that point in your life. I have a closet of all my gloves from my career of playing baseball and when I go through them it tells a story of my life. Each glove reminds me of where I was and who I represented at that time in my life. This may sound crazy to you but I am not the only one who feels this way. Walt Weiss was a great shortstop in the 90′s and he and his glove have a story to tell.
Walt Weiss used the same glove his entire 14 year professional career. The glove was so worn and old that it had holes all over it. He would stitch it up before each game. Before his last season he lost his glove. He said that if he does not find his glove before the season starts that he would retire. He would give up a 14 year professional career because he lost his glove. How important do you think the perfect glove was to Walt Weiss? So important he was willing to quit professional baseball if he could not find it. This glove was not just a handy tool, it was a symbol of his stellar professional career.
Not all of us are that passionate, unfortunately. Competition is now growing more world wide and passion is what makes a great career. That passion starts with the perfect glove, so I hope this article shows you the light. Below is a list of stores that you should use to find not only your perfect glove but a symbol of your baseball career.
Buying Online or Buying in Person
Remember only buy online if the price is better and don’t forget shipping and handling. A good strategy would be to find and try the glove on in person and then search to see if you can find a better price online. Otherwise shopping online for fitted products is like going to the store and pointing to the item that you want without getting close and personal.
Baseball Glove Warehouses
- Dick’s Sporting Goods
- Sports Authroity
- Academy
- Sports Chalet
Top 10 Baseball Glove Brands
- Rawlings
- Nokona
- Wilson
- Mizuno
- Nike
- Loisville Slugger
- Easton
- All-Star
- Worth
- Diamond